
A website with information for the voting public in New Mexico



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Show Notes:

Paul Spencer House District Candidate discuss the War on Children and the upcoming event.  This half day event will be video taping the speakers. 




Dear New Mexicans:

This website is for educational purposes only. If we are to change the hearts and minds of voting citizens then we must create opportunities that provide sound reasoning and logical argument.  We must provide  balanced views to counter the corporate media bias presented in our local news outlets.

This project is funded by citizens donations to provide a source of information to the public. Our overhead is small and the opinion editorials are fact based and researched to the best of our ability. The research is conducted with integrity to the cause of exposing threats to our constitutional America.  Specifically this effort is an independent research and analysis of how Emerge New Mexico and groups like them can coordinate their efforts to create a power system that operates within the bounds of the law that is currently organizing their leadership to have have unmitigated power to change New Mexico into a socialist state.

At the present time, we still have our U.S. Constitutional amendment rights to free speech and freedom of the press.

Please read The Problem with Diversity, Equity & Inclusion as a foreword to the Conservative View on Emerge America.  You will see that this is not an attack upon their institution but an attempt to clarify how the conservative mind views the position of this Progressive group.

You be the judge.  Read the content, determine for yourself,  and form your own conclusions.  Only you can determine where you will stand as a voter in this election in November 2024.


Leanna Derrick, M.Ed.

Chaplain & Candidate for NM House District 19


The Problem with Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Problem with Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

By Leanna Derrick © copyright 2024

The primary problem with groups like Emerge New Mexico is their commitment to make diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) a priority.  The principles of DEI produced the philosophy for critical race theory (CRT).  DEI is an experiment and not a science.  It is a form of discrimination, and a mask for progressivism.  A progressive group originally aspires to equal outcomes, but it devolves into a centrally controlled group dictating the rules of organization for what is best for all.  The result is a dictatorial control or suppression of individual rights and represses freedom of individual thought.  This ultimately results in a diminishment of individual liberties.

The second problem is their progressive view is rooted in the concept of social justice.  Social justice has these commonalities:  equal rights, equal opportunity, and equal treatment.  However, when these equalities are directed by DEI ideologies through a progressive group it promotes discrimination, exclusion, and indoctrination.  This result does NOT treat people as individuals but pigeonholes people into membership of a group or race

Moreover, DEI has its roots in Marxism which opposes equality and freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  Marxism is an economic philosophy that conflicts with the Capitalism economy which is defined by having a free market enterprise.  Marxism opposes capitalism in favor of socialism and communism. A Socialist system is where the means of production are owned and controlled by the state.

A Conservative Response to Equality of Outcome

The conservative view contrasts the progressive view with the belief that “Equal treatment for all means people must be treated as individuals and not members of a group.”

Because a conservative’s values and principles are rooted in a biblical world view, we stand in opposition to progressive ideology.  Our views will oppose programs with a policy of discrimination, exclusion, and indoctrination.

Today, New Mexico progressivism is operating at a critically high level that our state may not come back from.  Within 15 years, Emerge New Mexico and other progressive groups have strategically maneuvered alumnae and other progressives into seats of power. These individuals have efficiently used their positions to push a progressive agenda into our executive, legislative, and judicial branches of our state government.

As stated previously, the result has not been equality of outcomes for all New Mexicans. Our state is quickly accelerating into a centrally controlled group dictating the rules of organization for what is best for all.  The result is a dictatorial control or suppression of our individual rights and repression of our freedom of individual thought.  The outcome of Legislative Session 2024 will reveal a true picture of our diminishment of individual liberties.